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Mixers are held on the same day as the board meeting - the 4th Tuesday of every month, unless otherwise indicated. Hours: 5:30pm to 7:30pm.
Mixers and Grand Openings
Our mixers are a gathering of the community at a particular host's establishment,
usually a business, for a casual and informal get together.
Cocktails, great conversation, and if you're there, you may win a door prize!
Interested in hosting or co-hosting a mixer? Contact Ursula Brown 323-202-9261
Anna Harmandarian D.D.S., Family Dentist.
Consumer Action Law Group of Panzarella, Gurevich and Rode, P.C.
Big Mama's & Papa's Pizzeria
Our host: Hovik Dan Kechabashyan | |
The bar. WOW! | |
A FAVORITE during the World Cup. | |
And around the corner... | |
Comedian in the Courtyard! |
Wells Fargo Bank at Von's Plaza
Santa Cecelia Orchestra
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