Photo Galleries
Courtesy of Herb West Photography
2014-09-25 LA Dodgers Historian Mark Langill at the Solheim Lutheran Home
2014-09-23 Chamber of Commerce Mixer at the Xchange Clothing
2014-09-13 Free Tree Adoption Event with Jimmy Gomez in partnership with City Plants
2014-07-31 Scholl Canyon Landfill Expansion - Public Comment Meeting
2014-06-29 Eagle Rock Concert & Fireworks Celebration for Independence Day
2014-06-24 ER Chamber Mixer hosted by Big Mama's & Papa's Pizzeria
2014-06-08 Celebrate the Spirit with the Eagle Rock Community
2014-04-22 ER Chamber Mixer hosted by Consumer Action Law Group
2014-03-25 ER Chamber Mixer Hosted by Dr. Anna Harmandarian D.D.S.
2014-02-08 Women's Twentieth Century Club Centennial Concert
2007-05-12 Boy Scouts of America Pancake Breakfast
Courtesy of Allen Yap of E.T.Y. Parts, Inc. Flickr Gallery
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